To connect travellers with superb lodgings at their destination points.
Heart-warming hospitality… Meals to savor… Interactions with hosts and other guests…
Each of these individual experiences encountered
along the travel path enrichens our memories of the journey a little bit more.
As the lead character said in the movie Forrest Gump,
“My mom always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”
I can’t help but feel that finding places to lodge when travelling shares some similarity with this.
Styled in a travel journal format, this site is dedicated to introducing hotels, resorts, apartments and more that
captured my heart during my travels.
From physical aspects like architecture and interior design to “soft” aspects like the amenities and level of comfort offered,
I aspire to convey impressions from the guest’s point of view to as great a degree as possible.
My hope is that I might be able to share some inspiration with those
who visit the site to help facilitate more enjoyable travel experiences.